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PaginationItem API

API reference docs for the React PaginationItem component. Learn about the props, CSS, and other APIs of this exported module.


For examples and details on the usage of this React component, visit the component demo pages:


import PaginationItem from '@mui/material/PaginationItem';
// or
import { PaginationItem } from '@mui/material';
You can learn about the difference by reading this guide on minimizing bundle size.


Props of the native component are also available.

Override or extend the styles applied to the component. See CSS API below for more details.
| 'secondary'
| 'standard'
| string
The active color. It supports both default and custom theme colors, which can be added as shown in the palette customization guide.
The component used for the root node. Either a string to use a HTML element or a component.
components{ first?: elementType, last?: elementType, next?: elementType, previous?: elementType }{}
The components used for each slot inside.
This prop is an alias for the slots prop. It's recommended to use the slots prop instead.
If true, the component is disabled.
The current page number.
If true the pagination item is selected.
| 'rounded'
The shape of the pagination item.
| 'medium'
| 'large'
| string
The size of the component.
slots{ first?: elementType, last?: elementType, next?: elementType, previous?: elementType }{}
The components used for each slot inside.
This prop is an alias for the components prop, which will be deprecated in the future.
| object
| bool>
| func
| object
The system prop that allows defining system overrides as well as additional CSS styles. See the `sx` page for more details.
| 'first'
| 'last'
| 'next'
| 'page'
| 'previous'
| 'start-ellipsis'
The type of pagination item.
| 'text'
| string
The variant to use.

The ref is forwarded to the root element.

Theme default props

You can use MuiPaginationItem to change the default props of this component with the theme.


The following class names are useful for styling with CSS (the state classes are marked).
To learn more, visit the component customization page.

Rule nameGlobal classDescription
root.MuiPaginationItem-rootStyles applied to the root element.
page.MuiPaginationItem-pageStyles applied to the root element if type="page".
sizeSmall.MuiPaginationItem-sizeSmallStyles applied to the root element if size="small".
sizeLarge.MuiPaginationItem-sizeLargeStyles applied to the root element if size="large".
text.MuiPaginationItem-textStyles applied to the root element if variant="text".
textPrimary.MuiPaginationItem-textPrimaryStyles applied to the root element if variant="text" and color="primary".
textSecondary.MuiPaginationItem-textSecondaryStyles applied to the root element if variant="text" and color="secondary".
outlined.MuiPaginationItem-outlinedStyles applied to the root element if variant="outlined".
outlinedPrimary.MuiPaginationItem-outlinedPrimaryStyles applied to the root element if variant="outlined" and color="primary".
outlinedSecondary.MuiPaginationItem-outlinedSecondaryStyles applied to the root element if variant="outlined" and color="secondary".
rounded.MuiPaginationItem-roundedStyles applied to the root element if rounded="true".
ellipsis.MuiPaginationItem-ellipsisStyles applied to the root element if type="start-ellipsis" or type="end-ellipsis".
firstLast.MuiPaginationItem-firstLastStyles applyed to the root element if `type="first"` or type="last".
previousNext.MuiPaginationItem-previousNextStyles applyed to the root element if `type="previous"` or type="next".
.Mui-focusVisibleState class applied to the root element if keyboard focused.
.Mui-disabledState class applied to the root element if disabled={true}.
.Mui-selectedState class applied to the root element if selected={true}.
icon.MuiPaginationItem-iconStyles applied to the icon to display.

You can override the style of the component using one of these customization options: